A Beautiful Woman rides on a long train ride encounters not a Yes-man, but a No-man and she ends up liking him...
"Imagine a beautiful woman wearing a burgundy dress with a fur piece attached to the collar of the dress sits in the restaurant looks like to be on a passenger train compartment, what do you see with your eyes? I see a beautiful woman wearing a burgundy dress with fur adornment sits at the table of a restaurant of a passenger train compartment seems to be waiting ... for someone to come to join her for dinner. The woman is a beautiful woman with golden blonde hair with a delicate facial feature, and in that fur piece dress , she looks beautiful, there is no question about that. Although she really does not need the adornment of that fur piece as it adds nothing to her own beauty. The woman is going on a train journey by herself starting out in Paris to northern Europe with stops at Frankfurt, Hamburg, Kobenhavn and then Stockholm. As this is the first evening on the train as the woman sits by herself at the table of the train's restaurant, she wishes that the man she has met earlier on the train in the same train compartment would also come to have dinner as to join her. And it was early in the morning the woman embarked the train to take on the journey as the woman found her seat by the window, sitting two rows from her was a man reading a newspaper, he also had a novel on the table in front of him. After an initial head nod of acknowledgment, the man went back to his newspaper reading. After half an hour had passed, the man then put down and folded up his newspaper. As the woman looked out at the view through the window pane, from the reflection of the windows, she saw the man was looking at her and then through the several eye contacts, both smiled but made no further contact. While the man is not a handsome man, but he is an attractive man with the way he dresses. And as the train ride is a day and a half long, the woman thinks it better be more than just a head nod. And as the bridesmaid evening 's arrival comes dinner time, the woman stands up going to the restaurant for dinner, and as the woman stands up, the man looks at her. Sitting at the table by herself, the woman wishes the man will come to join her for dinner through that little eye contact. And before the waiter comes, as the woman looks up, she sees the man is just coming through the restaurant's door... And that's what I see in that woman's dress !" - Phillip Lo
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